So you’ve had experience day fishing and are now considering saltwater fishing at night. Contrary to popular belief, midnight fishing may be enjoyable, and the unusual setting makes for a more fulfilling experience. However, reeling in fish at night requires a little more skill and confidence.
It’s worth putting in a little additional effort if you’re thinking about going night fishing because many species feed readily in low light and at night. That means your catches have the potential to be outstanding. So, who knows? You could come across some surprises.
Some predatory species, such as tarpon and snook, are more active at night than during the day. Predatory fish have evolved into seeing well after dark to creep up on their prey. If you’re interested in starting your journey into nighttime fishing, keep reading to find out Miami Inshore Fishing Charters’ top night fishing tips and tricks.
Night Fish During Full Moon
When the full moon shines brightly over the water at night, predators can see better and eat more, which is excellent for fishing. Full moons also correspond with bigger tidal shifts, which are beneficial to many saltwater fish. More nutrients from deep water are brought in by large tidal movements. These nutrients are consumed by baitfish, which in turn are consumed by predators. Larger tides, as a result, are a positive indicator for fishing.
You’ll Need to Bring Some Lights
It doesn’t sound like stumbling around aimlessly with your gear at night is the wisest or safest thing to do, so the first step is to make sure you’re ready. The most important thing is to have a decent light and backup batteries. It’s also worth mentioning that many fish are drawn to light at night, so purchasing an underwater light to entice them could be a good idea. Using a small glow stick attached to illuminate the tip of your rod can aid with direction and awareness. You run the risk of losing fish and gear if you can’t see your rods.
Get Ready When There’s Still Some Daylight
Before you go fishing, spend some time rigging your rods and organizing your tackle. Even with a flashlight headlamp, setting up in the dark may be tricky, so spare yourself the trouble and rig up before the sunset. When there is still some daylight, arriving at your location is beneficial since you will not have to navigate or set up in the dark. To determine where to fish and cast, it’s also helpful to look for signs of fish activity in the daylight.
Be As Silent As You Can Hear Splashes
The fact that you should remain quiet does not imply that the fish will follow suit. Listen for splashing sounds to hear predatory fish eating. When a fish eats another fish, it usually occurs fast near the surface. This means you can use silence to your advantage by listening for swishing sounds or small splashes out on the water. Since one of the hardest parts about catching fish is simply finding them, it’s paramount to pay attention to your surroundings to find them at night.
Use the Right Lures
Several sorts of lures perform well at night, and your decision should be based on the species of fish you’re targeting. Lighter-colored lures, in general, are easier for fish to see in low light. Avoid crankbaits and noisy lures in favor of stealthy spoons or spinners. As usual, if you can use live bait for the species you’re targeting, do so. There is no better replacement for using the fish’s natural prey as bait.
The most important thing to remember is that fishing at night is far more challenging. Anything that can go wrong at night will go wrong. The trick is to plan ahead of time. Make sure everything is organized and in good functioning order before going on a night fishing trip. To have the best night fishing experience, make sure you book with Miami Inshore Fishing Charters.