Fall is a great time of the year to be fishing in Miami. The weather is starting to cool of and the inshore fishing bite is starting to heat up. This time of the year is when our bait schools start moving into Biscayne bay and with it comes the fish who are ready to eat. Typically we are targeting Snappers, Jacks, Barracuda, Sharks, and several other species. As of lately the Snapper and Jacks have been the stars of the show. We have been catching plenty of fish on our previous trips and customers have been leaving with sore arms. All of our fishing is done with light tackle and when you hook into a big fish you know it. At night we are still finding some snook and tarpon to play with but as temperatures start to drop so will the bite. In December when our shrimp run starts here in Miami we will get our second push of tarpon who show up to gorge themselves on shrimp and other small critters. From now till March is a great time to be fishing here in Miami so do not miss out on all of the fun and book your trip today!!!
Capt. Alex Geneteau
(305) 282-3086